“Tunnel Divisions”

is an interactive demo created with Stephen Trothen and presented at the ACM Conference on Interactive Surfaces and Spaces (ISS), 2016.

The above image shows a poster that I created to accompany our demo setup. No, I was not, at the time, considering the accessibility implications of white text on yellow.

Abstract: We present Tunnel Divisions, an interactive musical installation designed for ephemeral interaction in public spaces. Informed by concepts from cultural and media studies along with existing literature on interactive public displays, we designed the installation as an intervention meant for the monotonous parts of everyday life. Our demonstration uses low-cost sensors and musical theory to create a generative sound composition unique to the particular space and the people moving through it. By experiencing the installation, we hope to promote critical thinking about the nature and form of interaction with public spaces.

︎ Video on YouTube (1:30)

Publication: Available on the ACM Digital Library (doi>10.1145/2992154.2996881)